Saturday, July 20, 2013

I Am The Curious Salesman

Helen Keller once said "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all." Yet we seem to loose this sense of adventure with time as we grow older. Instead of conquering the next frontier, discovering the next miracle, climbing the next highest mountain, or building the next giant monument, etc... we settle for possessing trinkets and merely occupying space.

Alarm goes off... Get up, get dressed, blast the morning news, cut yourself shaving, go to work, punch in, work, punch out, back to home, back to the evening news, back to bed.

Yes its important we work. Yes its important to have routines. But what about living a life of adventure and discovery? At what point do we become too mature to think and grow and enrich our lives? "When you're green, you grow. When you're ripe, you rot." Whose words were those? The guy who franchised the business that made popular the Big Mac, Filet-o-fish, Shamrock Shake, etc.: Ray Kroc. Thinking and learning are critical parts to business growth and innovation for McDonald's, as with other businesses (Get an inside taste of McD's innovations with this article by Huffington Post: Innovation gives them great new menu ideas, ways to keep costs low, and ways to get the message out. But ideas could be conjured without curiosity?

Curiosity is defined as the desire to know. Essentially curiosity is the catalyst to innovation. This is why I constantly ask questions. You see, I spent my time growing up merely wandering through school and not observing and questioning the world around me. I lost valuable time hopping from failure to failure. But I recognize my intelligence, and I realized I was rotting.

Now I choose to grow. I study, I learn, I apply, and figure what works, what excels, and what fails. This is what streamlining is about: adopting efficient skills while eliminating waste. And this is also what this blog is about: Recording lessons and passing them to others that they may learn and become better as well. I am curious.

My career is sales. I am the Curious Salesman. It is not enough to only sell and practice sales. I desire to become the best. I desire to become a Sales Leader and Expert. And I recognize that leadership is one part reaching up to the hand above and another part pulling up the hand beneath. I invite you to follow along as I grow. And I invite you to grow with me, celebrate each success, ponder each failure, and take this daring adventure of Success and Fulfillment. I invite you to BE CURIOUS

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