Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Are You Happy?

What makes you happy? Money?.. to buy stuff?.. to keep you smiling during your downtime?.. before you go back to work?.. to make more money?.. so you can buy more stuff? That is what you call a vicious cycle. Some refer to it as a "rat race." And not a whole lot of people smile when running that race. And according to statistics, your chances of winning that race is 0% That's right. Odds of winning is 0:1,581,379,265. (128% of statistics are made up).

I'm happy. I recently received two job offers at once. One of the job offers paid virtually $2 dollars more an hour than the other, gave more hours, local commute and not seasonal like the other. Now can you see why I'm happy? Do I really need to explain it? Or do you truly fully understand why I'm happy?

I turned that job down. I chose a learning path instead. I chose experience over earnings. Now I feel so liberated. I'm not working for money or stuff. I am working for me. I am working towards personal growth. Robert Kiyosaki, author of the famed bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad and founder of multiple wealth building companies says it like this. "When you are young, work to learn, not to earn." There is a lot of wisdom to that statement. And I can feel the peace of doing things this way. I am not stressed about "They don't pay me enough" or "I'm hoping for a good paycheck so I can buy this or that." Instead my focus is how can I drive my productivity numbers higher, is there a better way of approaching this and making it better, etc?

This approach follows the philosophy that pay is what happens with experience and that excellence is rewarded. Too many people are merely being empty suits, punching-in, logging hours. They don't seek responsibility, they only take it out of obligation, and become slaves to money. The servants of money are worked hard. Money demands they work more and earn more. And when they earn, they haven't earned enough. They are not producing enough and are not entrusted with more responsibility, bringing less wealth.

The servants of excellence are given better jobs. They are entrusted with responsibility and are required to become stewards of responsibility, thus lowering its overhead and creating a more profitable standard. These are our innovators of success. These servants become the top producers because excellence rewards those who work towards it with more profitable responsibility, and, therefore, more profitable lives.

I desire success (end result), and therefore I must search out excellence (means to the end result) and become its student and servant. This ultimately leads to a happier life. Because I understand that this is the process I must go through, I understand that I will be happier and am now happy. I may get frustrated at times but simply knowing what I am in the process of doing places a smile inside and a peace and that is Happiness.

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